Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Stunning Blow (Improved) (talent) 144
Stunning Blow (talent) 144
Stun (quality) 157
sublight travel 246
Success (results) 12,23
Sullustan pilot-for-hire 396
Sunder (quality) 157
superior armor customization 195
Superior (quality) 157
Superior Reflexes (talent) 144
superior weapon customization 191
Surgeon (talent) ' 44
surveillance tagger 176
Survivalist (specialization) 57, 61
Survival (skill) 119
Swift (talent) '44
swoop ganger 397
synthetic standard strength anesthetic 172
synthetic standard strength neuroparalytic 172
synthetic standard strength neurotoxin 172
synthskin 177
system strain 243
system strain threshold 225

T-16 Skyhopper 248
T-47 Airspeeder 249
talents 26
purchasing talents 93
Targeted Blow (talent) 144
Tatooine 363
Technical Aptitude (talent) 145
Technician (career) 86
telescopic optical sight 192
Tenloss Syndicate 380
ten-sided dice 1'
tent 180
The Maw 344
thermal cloak 180
thermal detonator 165
thermal shielding system 194
Thief (specialization) 81, 85
Threat (results) 13, 23
TIE/ln Starfighter 257
Tinkerer (talent) 145
Tion Cluster 355
toolkit 181.182
Touch of Fate (talent) 145
Toughened (talent) 145
tractor beams 229
Tractor (quality) 157
Trader (specialization) 70, 73
Trandoshan (species) 50
Trast A-A5 Heavy Speeder Truck 250
Tricky Target (talent) 145
tripod mount 193
Triumph (results) 12, 23
True Aim (talent) 145
truncheon 167
turbolasers 229
Twi'lek black marketeer 397
Twi'lek dancer 414
Twi'lek (species) 51

Uncanny Reactions (talent)^145

Jncanny Senses (talent) ' 35
under-barrel flame projector 192
jnder-barrel grenade launcher 191
Unknown Regions 347
upgraded weapons 271
utility belt 182. 183
Utility Belt (talent) 145
Utinni! (talent) 145

vacuum sealed 195
vibro-ax 167
vibroknife 167
vibrosword '67
Vicious (quality) ' 57

walkers 252
Wayfarer-class Medium Freighter 263
wealthy noble 409
weapon attachments 188
weapon harness 193
weapons 159
blasters '59
brawl 166
explosives and flame projectors 164
maintenance 158
melee 166
slugthrowers 164
characteristics 158
qualities 154
weapon sling 193
weighted head 193
Well Rounded (talent) 145
Wheel and Deal (talent) 145
wheeled and tracked vehicles 251
Wild Space 347
Willpower (characteristic) 16
Wookiee gladiator 414
Wookiee (species) 52
wound threshold 31.94,215

X-34 Landspeeder 251

Yarkora treasure hunter 414
yarrock 185
YT-1300 Light Freighter 264
YT-2400 Light Freighter 265
Y-wing Attack Starfighter 257

Z-95-AF4 Headhunter 258
Zann Consortium - 380
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