Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 5 | The Trail of Tears 99
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Core Vocabulary
encountered, v. Unexpectedly met
Example: The hikers encountered many problems when they
unexpectedly got lost in the forest.
Variation(s): encounter, encounters, encountering
forced, adj. Not done of one’s own choice; done because it was
necessary, not because it was planned or wanted
Example: The emperor who desired the Great Wall of China to be built
ordered many people into forced labor.
Variation(s): none
insisted, v. Demanded
Example: Koda’s mother insisted that he brush his teeth before bed so
he wouldn’t get cavities.
Variation(s): insist, insists, insisting
miserable, adj. Very uncomfortable or unhappy
Example: Walking to the park in the newly fallen snow was fun, but the
walk back home was miserable because it was so cold.
Variation(s): none
relocate, v. To move a home, people, or animals from one place to
another place
Example: The company my father works for is moving to another state,
so we have to relocate there, too.
Variation(s): relocates, relocated, relocating