Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 115

 Explain that the U.S. government forced Native Americans from
their lands
 Identify the Trail of Tears as a forced march of the Cherokee

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Westward Expansion, Part I (Instructional Master PP-1)
Directions: I am going to read several sentences about the time of
westward expansion. If what I describe in the sentence is correct,
circle the “T.” If what I describe in the sentence is not correct,
circle the “F.”

  1. The settlers who headed for a new life out west were called
    pioneers. (T)

  2. It was easy for pioneer families to move west in covered
    wagons. (F)

  3. Robert Fulton was the inventor of a steamboat that was better
    than other boats. (T)

  4. Sequoyah thought that it was important to put the Cherokee
    language in writing. (T)

  5. The Erie Canal went all the way across the United States. (F)

  6. The Cherokee people were forced to walk hundreds of miles;
    the route they walked is known as the Trail of Tears. (T)

 Westward Expansion: A Letter (Instructional Master PP-2)
Note: Show several images from Lesson 1 to refresh student’s
memory about the Morgan family’s journey west. If necessary, fi rst
model how to write a friendly letter before asking students to write
their own letter. You may wish to create a class list of answers to
the brainstorming questions—what they see, hear, smell, feel, and
taste. Allow students to use answers from this list in their letter.
Directions: Fill in the date on the top right. Pretend you are
traveling west in 1842 during the time of westward expansion.
Write a letter to a friend telling him or her about your travels: what
you see, how you feel, hardships you face, what you eat, etc. Be
sure to write or sign your name at the end of your letter.
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