Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 121

Next, have each student cut out a piece of white construction
paper about eight inches by fi ve inches. Glue or tape the paper
over the top of the painted cartons—after the paint is thoroughly
dry—to create the canvas cover. Then have students cut out four
small circles from the black or brown construction paper for the
wagon’s wheels, and glue them to the dried, painted cartons.
Explain to students that they will want to have most of the wheel
attached to the wagon’s body for stability.

You may also wish to have students create from modeling clay the
types of farm animals the pioneer families brought with them on
their journeys west. Encourage students to use domain vocabulary
in their dialogue as they create their wagon train. Have students
discuss where their wagon train is going, what they packed in
the wagons for the trip, what sights they might see, and what
diffi culties they might face.

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