Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

146 Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 7 | The Pony Express

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have
activity options that exceed the time allocated for that part of
the lesson. To remain within the time periods allocated for each
portion of the lesson, you will need to make conscious choices
about which activities to include based on the needs of your

Exercise Materials Details
Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 minutes)
What Have We Already

Transpor tation Brainstorm

T-Chart for advantages/
disadvantages of different types of
travel (from Lesson 3)

Add flatboat and covered wagon to the
T- Char t.

Personal Connections U.S. map Use the map to point out California, Utah,
Nevada, and the East Coast.
Vocabular y Preview:
Landmarks, Telegraph

Image 7A-4; images of local

If available, show images of local
landmarks that the students may
Image 7A-9
Purpose for Listening Instructional Master 7A-1
(Response Card 4)

Use this Response Card about the Pony
Express to introduce and discuss the
Presenting the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
The Pony Express U.S. map Point out the span from New York to
California. Point out Missouri.
Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Endurance
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