Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 7 | The Pony Express 147
Exercise Materials Details
Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)
Westward Expansion Map Westward Expansion Map, green
marker or crayon; large U.S. map,
green sticker dots
Mark the Pony Express using green
sticker dots (or green marker) on a large
U.S. map. Have students locate and
color the Pony Express green on their
individual map.
Westward Expansion Timeline Image Card 11 (Pony Express);
Westward Expansion Timeline;
Timeline Image Sheet
Have students add the Pony Express to
their individual Timelines.
On Stage two labeled envelopes
Westward Expansion Quilt Instructional Master 7B-1 Write the main topic, important details,
and an example sentence on the board.
Domain-Related Trade Book trade book about the Pony
Express; drawing paper, drawing
Advance Preparation
Add to the T-Chart listing the advantages and disadvantages of
different forms of travel (from Lesson 3).
+ Advantages - Disadvantages
faster than other boats couldn’t go everywhere
cheaper than other boats needed rivers to travel on
could carry more goods than
other boats
could transport large freight heavy loads made travel slow
faster than shipping by land needed a canal
cheaper than shipping by land needed mules
bad weather made it diffi cult
Covered Wagon
had a cover for protection very little room
People had to walk.
needed animals to pull it
Bad weather made it very
diffi cult.