Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6 Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide | Introduction

Presidents and American Symbols (Kindergarten)

  • Recognize Thomas Jefferson as the third president of the United

  • Identify Thomas Jefferson as the primary author of the
    Declaration of Independence

  • Describe the purpose of the Declaration of Independence as a
    statement of America’s liberty

  • Identify Abraham Lincoln as an important president of the United
    Early American Civilizations (Grade 1)

  • Explain the importance of hunting among early peoples

  • Explain that a shift occurred from hunting and gathering to
    farming among early peoples
    Animals and Habitats (Grade 1)

  • Explain why and how habitat destruction can cause extinction
    A New Nation (Grade 1)

  • Describe how the thirteen English colonies in America evolved
    from dependence on Great Britain to independence as a nation

  • Locate the thirteen original colonies on a map

  • Describe the contributions of Thomas Jefferson as Patriot,
    inventor, writer, the author of the Declaration of Independence,
    and the third president of the U.S.

  • Explain the signifi cance of the Declaration of Independence

  • Identify “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
    created equal... ” as a part of the Declaration of Independence

  • Describe the roles of African Americans, Native Americans, and
    women during the evolution from thirteen English colonies in
    America to independence as a nation
    Frontier Explorers (Grade 1)

  • Locate the Appalachian Mountains on a map

  • Recall basic facts about Daniel Boone

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