Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 2 | Mr. Fulton’s Journey 45

Exercise Materials Details

Westward Expansion Timeline Image Card 6;
Instructional Master 2B-1
(Westward Expansion Timeline);
Instructional Master 2B-2 (Timeline
Image Sheet)

Students will begin to create their own
Westward Expansion Timelines. Have
students add Fulton’s steamboat to their
individual Timelines.

Transportation Brainstorm Transpor tation Brainstorm;
Transportation Image Sheet

Revisit the poster, and add steamboat if it
is not already there.

Westward Expansion Quilt Instructional Master 2B-3 Write the main topic, important details,
and an example sentence on the board.

Advance Preparation
For What Have We Already Learned?, make a copy of Instructional
Master 2A-1 for each student. Refer to it as Response Card 1 for
this domain; it shows images related to the Oregon Trail.
Create a poster-size, class Westward Expansion Map using a large
U.S. map. Mark off the Oregon Trail with red sticker dots, using
Instructional Master 2A-2 as a guide. Keep this map on display
throughout this domain.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 2A-2 for each student. This
will be their Westward Expansion Map. Help students locate the
Oregon Trail on the map’s legend and color it in red. Then have
students color the Oregon Trail red on their map.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 2B-1 (Westward Expansion
Timeline) for each student. Students will create their own Timelines
as you fi ll in the class Timeline. Students may depict each event by
labeling or drawing pictures. Instructional Master 2B-2 (Timeline
Image Sheet) is available for students to cut out images and paste
them onto their Timelines.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 2B-3 for each student. This
will be the “quilt” square for Fulton’s steamboat.
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