166 Insects: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review
Note to Teacher
You should spend one day reviewing and reinforcing the material
in this domain. You may have students do any combination of the
activities provided, in either whole-group or small-group settings.
Core Content Objectives Addressed in This Domain
Students will:
Explain that insects are the largest group of animals on Earth
Explain that there are many different types of insects
Explain that most insects live solitary lives, but some, such as
honeybees, paper wasps, ants, and termites are social
Explain that insects live in virtually every habitat on Earth, with
the exception of the oceans
Classify and identify particular insects as small, six-legged
animals with three main body parts
Identify and describe the three main body parts of insects: head,
thorax, and abdomen
Identify the placement and/or purpose of an insect’s body parts
Describe an insect’s exoskeleton
Explain why spiders are not insects
Describe the life cycles and the processes of complete and
incomplete metamorphosis
Describe how some insects look like miniature versions of adults
when they are born from eggs
Explain why some insects molt
Describe how some insects go through four distinct stages of
development, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult
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