Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Insects: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment 171

  1. Metamorphosis: The process of change from egg to adult is
    called metamorphosis. (smiling face)

  2. Pupa: A caterpillar becomes a pupa before becoming a
    butterfl y. (smiling face)

  3. Nymph: A nymph looks nothing like it will look when it
    becomes an adult. (frowning face)

  4. Microscopic: Something that is microscopic is very, very tiny.
    (smiling face)

  5. Entomologist: An entomologist is a person who studies
    spiders. (frowning face)

Directions: I am going to read more sentences using other words
you have heard in the read-alouds. If I use the word correctly in my
sentence, circle the smiling face. If I do not use the word correctly
in my sentence, circle the frowning face. I will say each sentence
two times.

  1. Social: Social insects are ones that live by themselves.
    (frowning face)

  2. Adapt: To adapt means to change in order to live in new
    situations. (smiling face)

  3. Cooperate: When people cooperate, they argue and fi ght all
    the time. (frowning face)

  4. Solitary: Solitary insects are the ones that live by themselves.
    (smiling face)

  5. Foe: A foe is an enemy or an opponent. (smiling face)

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