Insects: Supplemental Guide | Introduction 3
Instructional Master 4A-1—Honeybees and Paper Wasps
Instructional Master 5A-1—Ants and Termites
Instructional Master 7A-1—Beetles
- Insects Know-Wonder-Learn Chart (Instructional Master 1A-1)—
Create a large KWL Chart to record what students know already (K),
what students wonder (W), and what students have learned (L) related
to the insects presented in this domain. Refer to the completed KWL
Chart on Instructional Master 1A-1 for an example of this chart. Use
the images on Instructional Master 1A-2 to place on the KWL Chart.
- Insects Journal—The writing project for this domain is an informational
text journal. Students will draw and write about insects that they
have learned about in the read-alouds. Individual journal pages
are provided as Instructional Masters in the Appendix. Domain
Assessment #3 is the cover page for their Insects Journal.
- Writing an Insect Story—Near the end of this domain, students will
write their own narrative, or story, from the perspective of an insect.
Students will go through the writing process: plan, draft, and edit. At
the end, they will copy a final version of their insect story onto their
final worksheet. Individual worksheets are provided for each step of
the writing process—a planning worksheet (Instructional Master 5B-2),
a drafting worksheet (Instructional Master 6B-2), an editing checklist
(Instructional Master 8B-1), and a final worksheet (Instructional Master
7B-2). Note: You may need to spend extra time scaffolding and
modeling each stage of the writing process.