16 Insects: Supplemental Guide 1 | Insects Everywhere!
Core Vocabulary
habitats, n. The natural homes or environments of plants and animals
Example: Desert habitats are home to plants and animals that can
survive in hot and dry conditions.
Variation(s): habitat
host, n. A plant or animal that is a home for another organism
Example: The milkweed plant is a host for the monarch butterfl y.
Variation(s): hosts
insects, n. Small animals with six legs and three main body parts
Example: Mackenzie likes all kinds of insects, especially butterfl ies.
Variation(s): insect
social, adj. Living together in organized communities
Example: The social honeybees worked all through the night to take
care of the queen bee.
Variation(s): none
solitary, adj. Living alone or in pairs
Example: A tiger is a solitary hunter. It fi nds food for only itself and its
Variation(s): none