Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

54 Insects: Supplemental Guide 3 | Life Cycles of Insects

 Add drawings to descriptions of insect metamorphosis to clarify
ideas, thoughts, and feelings (SL.2.5)
 Prior to listening to “Life Cycles of Insects,” identify orally what
they know and have learned insects

Core Vocabulary
larva, n. The stage of an insect’s complete metamorphosis, between egg
and pupa; Insect larva do not look like the adult insect.
Example: A butterfl y egg turns into a larva known as a caterpillar.
Variation(s): larvae
metamorphosis, n. The process of change in the life of an insect
Example: Tadpoles develop into frogs during a process of change
known as metamorphosis.
Variation(s): metamorphoses
molt, v. To shed old feathers, hair, skin, or shells, making way for new
Example: As it grows, a snake will molt, shedding its skin and leaving it
Variation(s): molts, molted, molting
nymph, n. The stage of an insect’s incomplete metamorphosis, between
egg and adult. The nymph looks like the adult insect.
Example: The nymph of a grasshopper looks like an adult grasshopper,
only much smaller.
Variation(s): nymphs
progression, n. A continuous and connected series of actions or events
Example: The changing of the moon from full moon to new moon and
back to full moon is a progression.
Variation(s): progressions
pupa, n. The stage of an insect’s complete metamorphosis between larva
and adult
Example: Before the caterpillar turns into a butterfl y, it fi rst becomes a
Variation(s): pupae
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