Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Insects: Supplemental Guide 3 | Life Cycles of Insects 57

Advance Preparation

Make a copy of Instructional Master 3A-1 for each student. Refer
to it as Response Card 2. It shows two different life cycles of
insects: complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis.
Have students cut this Response Card in half. Students may refer
to the Response Cards as you discuss the content of the lesson.

For the Life Cycles Activity, make copies of Instructional
Masters 3B-1 (Complete Metamorphosis) and 3B-2 (Incomplete
Metamorphosis). Students will put images of the life cycles of
insects in the correct order.

Make a copy of Instructional Master 3B-3 for each student. This
will be the third page of their Insects Journal. Students will draw
and write about the life cycle of an insect.

Notes to Teacher

The content of this lesson contains several domain-specifi c
vocabulary words that are interdependent of one another. You
may wish to create a bulletin board with labels for the stages in
complete and incomplete metamorphosis, or keep Image Cards 6
and 7 displayed throughout this lesson.

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