140 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 7B | Hickory, Dickory, Dock & Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling
Syntactic Awareness Activity
Simple Sentence Builder: Nouns and Verbs
[This activity utilizes the Noun Card and Verb Card from Instructional
Master 3B-1.]
Directions: We will use the pictures from the two poems we learned
today and make short sentences. I will ask you to say one thing at a time
about the picture.
- If you say a word that is a noun, I will hold up the Noun Card.
- If necessary, review what nouns are.
- If you say a word that is a verb, I will hold up the Verb Card.
- If necessary, review what verbs are.
Note: There may be variations in the sentences created by your class.
Allow for these variations and restate students’ sentences so that they
are grammatical. Repeat each sentence for the students. If necessary,
ask students to repeat your sentence. - After building the short sentence, say the sentence again and have
students hold up the Noun Card when a noun has been said and
the Verb Card when a verb has been said. Model holding up the
Noun and Verb Cards for the first few sentences.
Show image 7A-1: Mouse running down clock
Possible sentences:
The mouse runs.
The mouse runs down the clock.
The mouse is frightened.
The clock struck one.
The clock is brown.
Show image 7B-1: John in bed, wearing one shoe
Possible sentences:
John sleeps.
John sleeps in his bed.
John wears stockings.
- If necessary, review what verbs are.