Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 8B | Little Boy Blue 153

Introducing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Introducing “Little Boy Blue”
 Show image 8B-1: Little Boy Blue sleeping by haystack

  • Tell students, “Describe what you see in this picture to your partner.”
    Call on two partner pairs to share their descriptions.

  • Tell students that the next nursery rhyme they are going to hear is
    called “Little Boy Blue.”

  • Ask students, “Who can guess the name of the character in this
    nursery rhyme?”

    • Boy Blue

  • Ask students: “Do you think he is doing his job well? Why or why
    not?” Call on two students to answer.

  • Give students Response Card 16 (Little Boy Blue) from Instructional
    Master 8A-1. Have them point to the character in this poem—Boy
    Blue. Point to each item in the picture and have students find it on
    their Response Card: meadow, corn, haystack. Tell them to use this
    Response Card to refer to “Little Boy Blue.”

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s poem you will hear that Little Boy Blue is under the

  2. Say the word under with me three times.

  3. Under means below or beneath.

  4. Candis likes to sit under the big umbrella at the beach.

  5. Using the objects around you, show what under looks like to your

LLittle Boy Blueittle Boy Blue

8 B

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