Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 9A | Humpty Dumpty 169
Introducing the Read-Aloud 5 minutes
Introducing “Humpty Dumpty”
Show image 9B-1: Humpty Dumpty
- Tell the students, “Describe this picture to your partner. What is
happening to the egg?” Call on two partner pairs to describe the
picture. - Tell students that the next—and final—nursery rhyme they are going
to hear is called “Humpty Dumpty.” Tell students that the character
in this poem is an egg named Humpty Dumpty. Remind students
that sometimes nursery rhymes will use silly words—like Humpty and
Dumpty—to make it more interesting and easy to remember. - Give students Response Card 18 (Humpty Dumpty). Have them
point out the character in this nursery rhyme. Tell them to use this
Response Card to refer to “Humpty Dumpty.”
Vocabular y Preview
To g e t h e r
- In today’s poem you will hear that nobody could put Humpty Dumpty
together. - Say the word together with me three times.
- Tog eth e r means in one piece, group, or place.
- Carlos’s mother bought a new shelf that she had to put together.
- Tell your partner about something you have put together or helped
someone else put together (e.g., a desk, a puzzle, etc). Use the word
together when you tell about it.
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