Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 9B | Baa, Baa, Black Sheep & Humpty Dumpty 175

Extensions 15 minutes

My Favorite Nursery Rhyme
All eighteen nursery rhymes for this domain have been covered.

  • Ask students, “What have we been learning about?”

    • We have been learning about nursery rhymes and poems.

  • Ask students, “What is special about nursery rhymes?”

    • Nursery rhymes have rhyming words, silly words, repeated lines, and are
      sometimes make-believe.

  • Have students recite a nursery rhyme they know by heart to their

  • Have students think of their favorite nursery rhyme. Ask them to
    draw a representation of their favorite nursery rhyme. You may wish
    to briefly revisit some of the Flip Book images of earlier lessons to
    refresh students’ memories of those nursery rhymes.

  • When students are finished with their pictures, have them share what
    they drew in small groups. You may wish to have the small group
    guess what a student’s favorite nursery rhyme is by looking at his/her
    drawing. Ask students what they like about the nursery rhyme they
    have chosen.

  • You may wish to have students dictate the scene they drew from their
    favorite nursery rhyme. Be sure to repeat back to them what you have
    written on their paper.

 End-of-Lesson Check-In
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep and Humpty Dumpty
Choose four students to focus on and record their scores on the Tens
Recording Chart. For this type of informal observation, you should
give a score of zero, five, or ten based on your evaluation of students’
understanding and language use.

BBaa, Baa, Black Sheepaa, Baa, Black Sheep

&& Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty^9 B

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