206 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 12 | The Dog and His Reflection
Image Sequence
This is the order Flip Book images will be shown for this read-aloud.
Please preview before teaching this lesson.
- 11A-1: Dog carrying bone
- 11A-2: Dog approaching bridge
- 11A-3: Dog seeing reflection
- 11A-4: Bone splashing in the water
At a Glance Exercise Materials Minutes
Introducing the Read-Aloud
Introducing “The Dog and His
Vocabular y Preview: Reflection, 15
Mirror, shiny metal, or other
reflective surfaces
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud The Dog and His Reflection^10
Discussing the Read-Aloud
Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Feast
Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Sequencing “The Dog and His
Instructional Master 12B-1;
scissors; paper; glue or tape 15
My Favorite Fable Drawing paper, drawing tools