Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Dog and His Reflection 207

TThe Dog andhe Dog and

HHis Reflectionis Reflection^12 A

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Introducing “The Dog and His Reflection”

  • Remind students that they have been listening to fables.

  • Review the similarities and differences between nursery rhymes and

    • Similarities: fun to listen to, have been around for a long time, have
      animal characters.

    • Differences: nursery rhymes are short poems; fables are longer
      and like a story; fables have morals.
       Show image 11A-1: Dog carrying bone

  • Say to students, “Tell your partner what you see in this picture.
    What do you think the dog is thinking?” Call on two partner pairs to

  • Tell students that the final fable they are going to hear is called “The
    Dog and His Reflection.”

  • Ask students, “Who do you think the character of this fable will be?”

  • The character of this fable is a dog.

  • Tell students that at the end of this fable something happens to the
    dog’s bone and the dog learns a lesson—the moral of the fable.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s fable, the dog sees his reflection in a stream of water.

  2. Say the word reflection with me three times.

  3. A reflection is what you see in the mirror or what you see in anything
    else that is shiny.

  4. Mabel and Miguel laughed when they saw their reflection in the mirror
    at the Fun House.

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