2 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide | Introduction
directly assess the students’ language and content knowledge in a low
stress environment; moreover, the teacher can gauge which students
may be in need of additional language or content support.
Even-Numbered Lessons for Nursery Rhymes (Lessons 2–8)
Even-numbered lessons for nursery rhymes contain two parts (50
minutes total) which are to be covered at different intervals during the
day. Part A (25 minutes) includes:
- Introducing, Presenting, and Discussing Nursery Rhyme #1
Later in the day, Part B (25 minutes) includes: - Introducing, Presenting, and Discussing Nursery Rhyme #2
Lessons for Fables (Lessons 10–12)
The lessons for fables contain two parts (50 minutes total) that are to be
covered at different intervals during the day. Part A (35 minutes) includes:
- Introducing, Presenting, and Discussing the Read-Aloud
Later in the day, Part B (15 minutes) will be covered. For Lessons 10 and
12, Part B includes extension activities related to read-aloud contents. For
Lesson 11, Part B includes the activities unique to the Supplemental Guide.
This domain includes a Pausing Point following Lesson 6. At the end of
the domain, a Domain Review, a Domain Assessment, and Culminating
Activities are included to allow time to review, reinforce, assess, and
remediate content knowledge. You should spend no more than
sixteen days total on this domain.
Week One: Anthology
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 # Day 5
Lesson 1A: “Roses Are
Red” (25 min.)
Lesson 2A: “Rain, Rain,
Go Away” (25 min.)
Lesson 3A: “Jack Be
Nimble” (25 min.)
Lesson 4A: “Jack and Jill”
(25 min.)
Lesson 5A: “This Little
Pig Went to Market”
(25 min.)
Lesson 1B: “Ring Around
the Rosie” (25 min.)
Lesson 2B: “It’s Raining,
It’s Pouring” (25 min.)
Lesson 3B: “Little Jack
Horner” (25 min.)
Lesson 4B: “Little Miss
Muffet” (25 min.)
Lesson 5B: “One,
Two, Buckle My Shoe”
(25 min.)
50 min. 50 min. 50 min. 50 min. 50 min.
Week One: Supplemental Guide
Day 1 # Day 2 Day 3 # Day 4 # Day 5
Lesson 1A: “Roses Are
Red” & “Ring Around the
Rosie” (35 min.)
Lesson 2A: “Rain, Rain,
Go Away” (25 min.)
Lesson 3A: “Jack Be
Nimble” & “Little Jack
Horner” (35 min.)
Lesson 4A: “Jack and Jill”
(25 min.)
Lesson 5A: “This Little
Pig Went to Market” &
“One, Two Buckle My
Shoe” (35 min.)
Lesson 1B: SG Activities
(15 min.)
Lesson 2B: “It’s Raining,
It’s Pouring” (25 min.)
Lesson 3B: SG Activities
(15 min.)
Lesson 4B: “Little Miss
Muffet” (25 min.)
Lesson 5B: SG Activities
(15 min.)
50 min. 50 min. 50 min. 50 min. 50 min.