Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 1 | Roses Are Red & Ring Around the Rosie 13

RRoses Are Red oses Are Red

&& Ring Around the Rosie Ring Around the Rosie^1

 Lesson Objectives

Core Content Objectives
Students will:
 Listen to and demonstrate familiarity with “Roses Are Red”
 Identify rhyming words in “Roses Are Red”
 Stop here if you choose to split the lesson into two parts.
 Listen to and demonstrate familiarity with “Ring Around the Rosie”
 Retell the events in “Ring Around the Rosie”

Language Arts Objectives
The following language arts objectives are addressed in this lesson.
Objectives aligning with the Common Core State Standards are noted
with the corresponding standard in parentheses. Refer to the Alignment
Chart for additional standards that are addressed in all lessons in this
Students will:
 With prompting and support, dramatize the nursery rhyme “Ring
Around the Rosie” in the proper sequence (RL.K.2)
 With prompting and support, describe illustrations, such as an
illustration of children playing “Ring Around the Rosie,” to support
comprehension of the read-aloud (RL.K.7)
 With prompting and support, compare and contrast similarities and
differences between roses and violets from the read-aloud (RL.K.9)
 Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs when building simple
sentences in shared language activities (L.K.1b)
 Produce simple sentences in shared language activities (L.K.1f)
 Identify new meanings for familiar words, such as ring, and apply
them accurately (L.K.4a)
 Identify real-life connections between words—sugar, pocket, ring, and
sweet—and their use (L.K.5c)
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