Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 1A | Ring Around the Rosie 23

Introducing the Read-Aloud 5 minutes

Introducing “Ring Around the Rosie”
 Show image 1B-1: Children playing “Ring Around the Rosie”

  • Say to students, “Describe what is happening in this picture to
    your partner. What kind of shape do the children make with their
    arms? How do they look?” Call on two partner pairs to share their
    description of the picture.

  • Tell students that this poem is called “Ring Around the Rosie.” The
    children in this picture are playing “Ring Around the Rosie.” They play
    this game by holding hands to form a ring, then they move in a circle,
    and at the end they all fall down to the ground.

  • Give students Response Card 2 (Ring Around the Rosie) from
    Instructional Master 1A-1. Have them trace the shape of a ring made
    by the children’s arms. Tell them to use this Response Card to refer to
    “Ring Around the Rosie.”

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In this poem you will hear, “A pocket full of posies.”

  2. Ask students to repeat pocket with you three times.

  3. A pocket is like a small bag that is part of your clothes. Usually pants
    and jackets have pockets on both sides. Is anybody wearing clothes
    with pockets?

  4. Mayra’s jeans have two pockets in the front and two pockets in the

  5. Taking turns with your partner, tell each other how pockets are useful.
    Use the word pocket when you tell about it.

RRing Around the Rosieing Around the Rosie

1 A

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