Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

36 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 2A | Rain, Rain, Go Away

RRain, Rain, Go Away ain, Rain, Go Away

2 A

Introducing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Introducing “Rain, Rain, Go Away”
 Show image 2A-1: Johnny looking out window at rain

  • Say to students, “Tell your partner what you see in this picture. What
    is happening outside? How do you think the boy is feeling?” Call on
    two partner pairs to describe the picture.

  • Tell students that the next nursery rhyme they are going to hear is
    called “Rain, Rain, Go Away” and it takes place during a rainy day

  • Tell students that the person in this nursery rhyme is named Johnny.
    Johnny is the character in “Rain, Rain, Go Away.”

  • Ask students, “How do you feel when it rains? What kinds of things
    do you like to do on rainy days? What kinds of things are you not able
    to do on rainy days?” Call on two volunteers to answer each question.

  • Give students Response Card 3 (Rain, Rain, Go Away) from
    Instructional Master 2A-1. Have them point out the character in this
    poem—Johnny. Have them point out the rain outside the window. Tell
    them to use this Response Card to refer to “Rain, Rain, Go Away.”

Vocabular y Preview

  1. Today’s poems are about rain.

  2. Say the word rain with me three times.

  3. Rain is drops of water that fall from clouds in the sky.

  4. Elsa likes the rain because she can wear her raincoat and rain boots.

  5. Tell your partner what you think of when you hear the word rain. Use
    the word rain when you tell about it. I will call on some of you to share
    your thoughts.

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