Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 3A | Jack Be Nimble 55
Third Read Using Echo Technique
Directions: I am going to say the first line of “Jack Be Nimble.” Then I will
stop and give you a chance to echo—or repeat—the words. To echo my
words means you will say the same words that I said. We will do this for
each line.
Note: Pause after each line and prompt students to echo.
Show image 3A-1: Jack jumping over candlestick
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over
The candlestick.
Fourth Read Using Echo Technique with Motions
Directions: I am going to say the first line of “Jack be Nimble” and do the
motions that go with it. Then I will stop and give you a chance to echo—
or repeat—the words with the motions. We will do this for each line.
Note: Pause after each line and prompt students to echo and do the
Show image 3A-1: Jack jumping over candlestick
Jack be nimble,
[Students should bend their knees like they are getting ready to jump.]
Jack be quick,
[Students should pump up and down like they are going to jump.]
Jack jump over
[Students should take a big jump.]
The candlestick.
[Students should hold their forearm upright like it is a candle with their
fingertips moving around like flames.]