Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 3A | Jack Be Nimble 57

On Stage

  • Tell students that they are going to dramatize—or act out—this
    nursery rhyme.

  • Remind students that nursery rhymes are short poems enjoyed by
    young children. You could ask students, “Does Jack look like a young
    boy or an old man?”

  • Choose a volunteer to act out the nursery rhyme by jumping over a
    small, safe classroom object. The best objects are those that rhyme
    with quick and have a similar syllable count as candlestick, e.g., “little
    stick,” “hockey stick,” “big red brick,” “a toothpick.”

  • As the student jumps over the object, the rest of the class may recite
    the nursery rhyme, inserting the student’s name in place of Jack’s
    name and the classroom object in place of the candlestick. For
    example, “Madison be nimble, Madison be quick. Madison jump over
    the hockey stick.”

 Stop here if you choose to split the lesson into two parts.

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