The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3A | I Use My Nose to Smell 77
Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent lines
of the read-aloud and/or refer to specific images. If students give one-
word answers and/or fail to use read-aloud or domain vocabulary in their
responses, acknowledge correct responses by expanding the students’
responses using richer and more complex language. To the extent that
they are able, ask students to answer in complete sentences, even short
sentences. Model answers using complete sentences for students.
- Inferential What is the main topic, or idea, of this lesson?
- The main topic, or idea, is the sense of smell.
- Literal Which part of your body do you use to smell?
- I use my nose to smell.
- Literal What do we call the tiny pieces of things in the air that make
up scents but are too small to see?- Odor molecules are the tiny pieces of things in the air that are too small
to see.
- Odor molecules are the tiny pieces of things in the air that are too small
- Literal How many odor molecules are floating around in the air?
- There are millions of odor molecules floating in the air.
- Literal How do the odor molecules get into your nose?
- Odor molecules get into my nose through my nostrils.
- Literal Once the odor molecules are inside the nose, where do they
go next?- The odor molecules go to the smell receptors.
- Literal Where do the smell receptors send the odor molecules?
- The smell receptors send the odor molecules to the brain.