Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3B | I Use My Nose to Smell 79

 Show image 4A-5: Sneezing

  1. Who is in this picture? (A boy.)
    A boy.

  2. What is his name? (Graham)
    A boy named Graham.

  3. What is he doing? (blowing his nose)
    A boy named Graham is blowing his nose.
    Graham is blowing his nose.

  4. Why is he blowing his nose? (to get the mucus out of his nose)
    Graham is blowing his nose to get the mucus out of his nose.
    Graham is blowing his nose because there is mucus in it.
    Extending the Activity
    You can continue this activity by asking additional questions like: Why
    does Graham have extra mucus in his nose? What is he using to blow his

  • Students ask the questions.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: Students work with their partners to ask
    questions and expand their own sentence.

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity

Word Work: Identify

  1. In today’s read-aloud you heard, “Human beings can identify
    thousands of different kinds of scents.”

  2. Say the word identify with me three times.

  3. Identify means to find out what something is or who someone is.

  4. Megan can easily identify her mother in a big group of people.

  5. Now, tell your partner some things or persons you can easily identify.
    Use the word identify when you tell about it.
    [Ask two or three students to share their sentence. If necessary, guide
    or rephrase the students’ responses. “I can easily identify. ”]

  6. What is the word we have been talking about?

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