The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3C | I Use My Nose to Smell 83
Vocabular y review
- You have heard the word smell before, like in this sentence, “When
you smell a flower, odor molecules rush in through your nostrils.” - Smell means to sense by sniffing an odor or scent with your nose.
- Taking turns with your partner, use the word smell or smelled in a
sentence. Talk about something you like to smell or something that
you actually smelled today. Each person gets three turns.
- You have heard the word odor before, like in this sentence, “Your
sense of smell doesn’t only identify bad odors.” - Odor is a certain kind of smell.
- Taking turns with your partner, use the word odor in a sentence to tell
one another about things that have nice odors and bad odors. Each
person gets three turns.
Purpose for Listening
Ask students to identify the main topic, or idea, of the lesson. Tell
students that this is the second time they will hear this read-aloud, but
it is different from the first time because they will do most of the talking
about their nose and the sense of smell.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Provide simple explanations about how the nose works
Describe some ways the sense of smell protects people from harm