The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 4B | I Use My Tongue to Taste 103
Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Chart: Flavorful
Materials: chart paper; different pictures showing flavorful or
flavorless foods; tape or glue
Optional materials: food magazines, scissors
Draw a line down the middle of the chart paper. Place a picture of
flavorful food on the left column and a picture of a flavorless food on the
right column.
Show image 5A-3: Four tastes
- In today’s read-aloud you heard, “A little salt can make foods more
example non-example
Word Chart Template
- Say the word flavorful with me three times.
- Flavorful is used to describe a strong taste. It can be sweet, salty,
sour or bitter. When food is flavorful [put emphasis on –ful],
that means it has a lot of flavor. But when food is flavorless [put
emphasis on –less], that means it does not have a lot of flavor. - We will make a Word Chart for the word flavorful. [Show Image Card
18 (Chips).]
Are these chips flavorful or flavorless?
[Have a student place the picture in the correct column. Show
students the different types of pictures you have prepared. Ask them
if it is flavorful or flavorless. Have different students place the pictures
in the correct column.] - Talk with your partner using the word flavorful or flavorless and what
you have learned about these words from the Word Chart. Try to use
complete sentences.
[Throughout this domain, encourage students to continue thinking
about the words flavorful and flavorless and add additional pictures to
the Word Chart.]
Optional extension
- Pass out magazines and have students identify pictures of foods that
are flavorful or flavorless. Ask students to cut them out and put them
in the correct column on the chart.