Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 5A | I Use My Skin to Touch 119

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Lesson Introduction
 Show image 1A-1: Five photos demonstrating senses

  • Tell students that they have learned about most of the five senses.
    There is one more left to go!

  • Tell students that you are going to point to different parts of your body
    and you want them to tell you which sense uses that body part.

    • Point to your ears. (sense of hearing)

    • Point to your tongue. (sense of taste)

    • Point to your eyes. (sense of sight)

    • Point to your nose. (sense of smell)

  • Say to students: “Tell your partner how your senses protect you and
    keep you safe from harm.” [Allow forty-five seconds for students to
    talk and call on a few partner pairs to share their answers.]

  • Point to the picture of the hands feeling the grass and ask students to
    tell their partner what they think today’s lesson will be about.

Making Connections

  • Tell students that today they are going to learn about the sense of

  • Explain that when you talk about the sense of touch, you are talking
    about what you can touch and feel.

  • Have students repeat the phrase sense of touch while pointing to their

  • Tell them that touch is not just something they do with their hands,
    but something they do with their whole bodies.

  • Ask students to share with their partner one thing they can feel
    without their hands and fingers. Invite a few partner pairs to share
    their examples.

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