The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 5A | I Use My Skin to Touch 121
Presenting the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
I Use My Skin to Touch
Show image 6A-1: Hands on grass
The sense of touch is something you use almost all the time. You are
using your sense of touch right now. Your body knows whether you
are sitting on something hard or soft and whether you are cold or
Show image 6A-2: Hands
Remember that every sense has its own body part. Who can tell me
what body part you use for hearing?
[Call on a student to answer.]
Who can tell me what body part we use for sight?
[Call on a student to answer.]
Who can tell me what body part we use for taste?
[Call on a student to answer.]
Who can tell me what body part we use for smell?
[Call on a student to answer.]
What do you use for the sense of touch? If you guessed hands or
fingers, then you’re partly right. You use your hands to touch things
most of the time. However, you can touch with every part of your
body that is covered with skin.
[Point to the different parts of your body that have skin.]
Every part of your body that has skin has the sense of touch.
[Ask students to touch skin somewhere on their body. Make note of the fact
that they may be touching different parts of their bodies, not just their hands,
because skin covers the entire body.]
Have you ever jumped into a cold swimming pool on a hot day?
When you are in the water you get a nice, cool feeling all over your
body because the skin on your back, legs, and arms is touching the
cool water.