Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

26 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 1A | I Use My Eyes to See

See the tiny black dot right in the middle of the eye?

[Point to a pupil in the picture.]
This tiny black dot is a covered hole called the pupil.

See the different colors around these pupils? This colored ring
around the pupil is called the iris.

[Point around to the various irises in the picture and mention the colors of the
 Show image 2A-8: Dual image of eye in light (large iris, small pupil)
and eye in dark (large pupil, small iris)
Light comes into your eye through your pupil, and your iris controls
how much light comes in by making your pupils bigger or smaller.

[Point to the side with the moon.]
When it is dark, like it is at night, your irises make your pupils bigger
so that more light can come in and that makes it easier for you to see.

[Point to the side with the sun.]
When it is bright, like it is during the daytime, your irises make your
pupils smaller so that less light can come in and that keeps you from
being blinded.

 Show image 2A-6: Diagram of eye
We learned many new things about our eyes today! Let’s take a look
at a picture of an eye.

[Point to each part as you name it.]
Say the different parts of the eye with me: eyelid, eyelash, eyebrow,
tear duct, pupil, and iris. Now you try saying them as I point:

[Point to the eyelid, eyelash, eyebrow, tear duct, pupil, and iris.]
 Show image 2A-7: Eye color
Aren’t you glad that all these parts of your eyes are working hard to
give you sight and help you see the world around you? Your eyes are
protecting you and you can protect your eyes, too, by not putting
anything into your eyes, especially your fingers.
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