Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

42 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 1D | I Use My Eyes to See

 The Eye

  • Using Instructional Master 1D-1, have students complete the picture
    of the eye. This worksheet is a good review of all of the parts
    of the eye and may be helpful if students had difficulty with the
    comprehension questions about the read-aloud.

  • Tell students that this is a picture of an eye, but a lot of its parts are
    missing. Tell them they are going to draw the parts of the eye while
    working with a partner.

  • Tell them to look at their partner’s eyelashes. Then tell them to
    draw eyelashes on the diagram. Do this with each part of the eye
    (eyelashes, eyebrows, iris, pupil).

  • Tell students to be sure to color in the iris! Encourage them to use
    more than one color to capture the flecks of other colors in their
    partner’s irises.

  • Then have students explain to their partner the different parts of the
    eye they drew and their functions. Have students respond to their
    partner’s drawing with comments about parts of the drawing that are
    accurate and with suggestions to add detail to the picture.

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