Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 2C | I Use My Ears to Hear 59

Reviewing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Five Senses Review
 Show image 1A-1: Five photos demonstrating senses

  • Invite students to come up to the picture one at a time and point to a
    picture and say the sense and its associated body part: sight (eyes),
    hearing (ears), taste (tongue), smell (nose), and touch (skin/hands).

  • Then use Image Cards 1–5 to review each of the senses. Alternatively,
    you may have students use the Response Cards for The Five Senses
    to answer questions. As you show each Image Card, ask: “What body
    part is this and how do you use it?”

What Have We Learned?

  • Remind students that they learned about their ears and the sense of
     Show image 3A-4: Ear Diagram

  • Ask students, “How does the buzzing sound of the bee get into your
    [Encourage students to use the words: sound waves, invisible, bounce
    off, vibrate, and eardrum.]

  • If they have a hard time telling how sound gets into their ear, explain
    to them that invisible sound waves go into their ears and bounce off
    their eardrums. Like real drums, their eardrums vibrate back and forth
    and these vibrations get sent to their brain, and their brain can figure
    out what sound made the vibrations.
    [If available, demonstrate with a real drum.]
    Five Senses Chart

  • Give each student a copy of Instructional Master 2C-1. Instruct
    them to draw or find pictures from Instructional Master 1C-2 or from
    magazines to cut and paste onto their chart.

  • Prompt students by asking: “Which body part is used for the sense of
    hearing? What can you do with the sense of hearing?”

  • After students have finished filling in their chart for the sense of
    hearing, have them discuss with their partner or home-language
    peers what they put onto their chart.

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