Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide | Preface vii

Tips and Tricks for Managing the Flip Book During the Read-Alouds

Please note that many modified read-alouds ask that you show Flip Book
images in a non-sequential order that differs from the order in which
the images are arranged in the Flip Book. Furthermore, some modified
read-alouds make use of Flip Book images from two or more separate

It is highly recommended that you preview each modified read-
aloud, with the Flip Book in hand, before teaching a lesson. It is
critical that you be familiar with the order of the Flip Book images for a
given read-aloud, so that you are able to confidently present the read-
aloud text and the appropriate image, without fumbling through pages in
the Flip Book.

We recommend that you consider using one or more of the following tips
in preparing the Flip Book prior to the read-aloud to ensure a smooth
transition in moving from one image to the next :

  • Number the Flip Book thumbnails in each read-aloud lesson of
    the Supplemental Guide. Place correspondingly numbered sticky
    notes, staggered, and in the order Flip Book images will be shown,
    projecting from the side of the Flip Book (i.e., if the number “3”
    is written next to an image thumbnail in the read-aloud, write the
    number “3” on a sticky note and then place this on the appropriate
    image so it projects from the side of the Flip Book).

  • Alternatively, write the Flip Book image numbers as they appear in the
    read-aloud lesson of the Supplemental Guide (e.g., 4A-3) on sticky
    notes that project out from the side of the Flip Book so that image
    numbers are clearly visible on the sides.

  • If you need to show images from two separate, non-consecutive
    lessons, use different colored sticky notes for the different lessons.
    Be aware that images are printed on both sides of pages in the Flip
    Book. In some instances, you may need to be prepared to physically
    turn the Flip Book over to locate the next image and continue the

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