Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

98 Stories: Supplemental Guide 5B | The Bremen Town Musicians

  • Have students focus on one story and explain to their partner which
    parts of the story could happen in real life and which parts of the
    story are fantasy.

  • Give students a Character, Setting, Plot Map and an image sheet
    (Instructional Master 5B-1). Have them identify the characters of the
    story. Students can draw or cut and paste images of the characters
    onto the first circle. Next, have them identify the settings of the story.
    Students can draw or cut and paste images of the settings onto the
    second circle. Finally in the third circle, have students draw a picture
    of an event from the story.

  • Have students talk to their partner or with home language peers about
    the characters, setting, and plot of the story, using the Character,
    Setting, Plot Map.

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