Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide 6A | Momotaro, Peach Boy 109

Repeating Refrains

  • In advance of Presenting the Read-Aloud, designate one student in
    each partner pair to play the part of the animals. Tell them they will
    say, “Momotaro, where are you going?”

  • Model saying, “Momotaro, where are you going?” with inflection and
    expression and ask students to do the same.

  • Show these students the prompt that will indicate it is their turn to
    speak, e.g., “When I touch my nose, it is your turn to repeat after me.”

  • Designate the other student in each partner pair to play the part of
    Momotaro. Tell them they will say, “I am going to the island of the oni.”

  • Model saying, “I am going to the island of the oni” with boldness and
    expression and ask students to do the same.

  • Show these students the prompt that will indicate it is their turn to
    speak, e.g., “When I pat my head, it is your turn to repeat after me.”

  • Practice the lines with the students to be sure they recognize their
    prompt and know what to say.

Purpose for Listening

The title of this Japanese folktale is “Momotaro, Peach Boy.” Tell students
that the main character in the story is Momotaro and he is very brave. Tell
students to listen carefully to find out how Momotaro helps his village.

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Demonstrate familiarity with “Momotaro, Peach Boy”

 Identify the sequence of events in “Momotaro, Peach Boy”

 Identify “Momotaro, Peach Boy” as a folktale

 Distinguish between elements of “Momotaro, Peach Boy” that are real
and elements that are fantasy

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