Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Story of Jumping Mouse, Part I 123

 Show image 7A-1: Jumping mouse and the far-off land

  • Tell students that this is the beginning of the story.

  • Point to Jumping Mouse. Have students say Jumping Mouse with you.

  • Tell students that Jumping Mouse lives in the brush. The brush is a
    group of bushes and other plants growing close together. The brush
    is part of this story’s setting.

 Show image 7A-2: Jumping Mouse and the frog

  • Ask students to identify another character—the frog.

  • Tell students that there is something special about the frog. This frog
    has special, magical powers.

 Show image 7A-3: Jumping Mouse and the frog leaping across the

  • Ask students what the characters are doing.

 Show image 7A-4: Jumping Mouse jumping high across the

  • Ask students to describe what is unusual about what the mouse is

 Show image 7A-5: Jumping Mouse and fat mouse

  • Ask students to compare the two mice.

  • Ask if they think the two mice will become friends.

  • Give students Response Card 7 (The Story of Jumping Mouse) from
    Instructional Master 7A-1. Tell students that the setting in this picture
    is the desert.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s story, Jumping Mouse takes a journey to a far-off land.

  2. Say the word journey with me three times.

  3. A journey is a long trip from one place to another.

  4. Heidi and Sergei took an imaginary journey into space on their
    spaceship made from cardboard boxes.

  5. Tell your partner about what you think of when you hear journey. Use
    the word journey when you tell about it. Each person gets three turns.

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