Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Story of Jumping Mouse, Part I 127

and by night, stopping only to eat berries wherever he found them.
Eventually Jumping Mouse came to a stream. The stream gave life
to this part of the dry desert. Beside the stream grew many bushes.
Underneath one of the bushes there lived a very fat mouse.

Mid-story Check-In

  1. Literal Which characters have you met so far?

    • So far, I have met Jumping Mouse, the magic frog, and the fat mouse.

  2. Literal Where is Jumping Mouse going?”

    • Jumping Mouse is going to the far-off land.
      Where is the far-off land?

    • The far-off land is on the far side of the dry desert.

  3. Literal What power does the magic frog give the small mouse?”

    • The magic frog gives the mouse the power to jump higher than he has
      ever jumped before.

 Show image 7A-5: Jumping Mouse and the fat mouse

“Good day to you,” the fat mouse said to Jumping Mouse.

“Good day,” replied Jumping Mouse.

“Where are you going?” asked the fat mouse.

“To the far-off land,” explained Jumping Mouse. “However, I would
like to rest a while and eat some of the juicy berries that grow on the
bushes beside the stream.”
[Say to students, “Here the word stream means a small body of water, like a
“Be my guest,” said the fat mouse.

Jumping Mouse stayed with the fat mouse for several days. He ate
berries and drank from the cool stream. Before long, he felt rested
and ready to continue his journey.
[Tell students, “A journey is a long trip from one place to another place.”]
“It is time for me to continue my journey,” said Jumping Mouse one
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