Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | Goldilocks and the Three Bears 155
Show image 9A-2: Three bears at the table
- Tell students that this is the beginning of the story.
- Have students identify three of the story’s characters—Papa Bear,
Mama Bear, and Baby Bear - Ask students what the bears are doing.
Show image 9A-3: Goldilocks approaching the house
- Ask students to identify another character—the girl. Tell students her
name is Goldilocks. - Ask students where Goldilocks is going.
- Tell students that the setting for this story is in a house in the woods.
Show image 9A-4: Goldilocks trying the porridge
- Ask students what Goldilocks is doing.
- Tell students that there is porridge in the bowls. Porridge is like
Show image 9A-5: Goldilocks and the chairs
- Ask students what Goldilocks is doing.
Show image 9A-6: The three beds
- Ask students what they see in the picture.
- Have them identify which bed belongs to Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and
Baby Bear.
Show image 9A-7: The bears return
- Ask students to describe how each bear looks.
- Answers may vary, but could include angry, scared, and confused.
Show image 9A-8: The three bears finding Goldilocks
- Have students describe what might be happening in this picture.
Show image 9A-9: Goldilocks running from the house
- Ask students to guess what happens at the end of this story.
- Give students Response Card 8 (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
from Instructional Master 9A-1. Have students identify the characters
in this story.