Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

160 Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Then Baby Bear said in his wee little voice, “Someone has been
sitting in my chair and has broken the bottom out of it!”
[Have students repeat in a wee little voice, “Someone has been sitting in my
chair and has broken the bottom out of it!”]
The three bears ran upstairs to their bedroom.
[Ask students, “What do you think is going to happen next?”]
 Show image 9A-8: The three bears finding Goldilocks
Papa Bear said in his great big voice, “Someone has been sleeping in
my bed!”
[Have students repeat in a great big voice, “Someone has been sleeping in my
Then Mama Bear said in her middle-sized voice, “Someone has been
sleeping in my bed!”
[Have students repeat in a middle-sized voice, “Someone has been sleeping in
my bed!”]
Then Baby Bear looked at his bed, and he cried out in his wee little
voice, “Someone has been sleeping in my bed—and here she is!”
[Have students repeat in a wee little voice, “Someone has been sleeping in my
bed—and here she is!”]
Baby Bear’s squeaky little voice startled Goldilocks,and she sat up
[Tell students, “When you are startled, you are surprised.”]
 Show image 9A-9: Goldilocks running from the house
When she saw the three bears, she gave a cry, jumped up, and ran
away as fast as she could. And to this day, the three bears have never
seen her again.
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