Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 181

Riddles for Core Content

Materials: Response Cards 1–9 (optional)

Ask students riddles such as the following to review characters from the
stories. Students may use their Response Cards to answer.

  1. I snuck into the three bears’ house while they were gone. Who am I?

    • Goldilocks

  2. I tricked Elephant and Hippopotamus into being my friend. Who am I?

    • Turtle

  3. A magic frog gave me the gift of jumping high; in return, I was kind
    and gave gifts to other animals I met on my journey. Who am I?

    • Jumping Mouse

  4. I defeated the oni monsters so they would stop harming my village.
    Who am I?

    • Momotaro

Te a c h e r ’s C h o i c e

Reread a particular read-aloud to students in order to review important
domain concepts, such as fiction, character, setting, and plot.

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