Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

20 Stories: Supplemental Guide 1A | Chicken Little

 Show image 1A-4: Goosey Loosey, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey
Lurkey, and Chicken Little meeting Foxy Loxy

  • Tell students this is the end of the story.

  • Ask students what other bird they see.

    • a turkey

  • Have students say Turkey Lurkey with you.

  • Ask students what other animal they see.

    • a fox

  • Have students say Foxy Loxy with you.

  • Have students predict what will happen at the end of the story. Will the
    birds and the fox become friends? Does the fox want to help them or
    hurt them?

  • Give students Response Card 1 (Chicken Little) from Instructional
    Master 1A-1. Have them point out the characters of this story—
    Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Goosey Loosey, Ducky Lucky, Turkey
    Lurkey, and Foxy Loxy.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. Today’s story, “Chicken Little,” is fiction.

  2. Say the word fiction with me three times.

  3. Fiction refers to a story that is made-up and about make-believe
    characters and events. Fiction stories are not real.

  4. Jamal and Leilani like to hear fiction about super heroes.

  5. Tell your partner about a fiction story you like to hear. Use the word
    fiction when you tell about it. I will call on a few students to share.

  6. In today’s story, you will hear that Chicken Little met other birds on
    her way to see the king.

  7. Say the word met with me three times.

  8. Met means to have seen someone.

  9. Pablo and Wei met at the library before going to piano lessons.

  10. Tell your partner about a time you met somebody somewhere. Use

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