20 Stories: Supplemental Guide 1A | Chicken Little
Show image 1A-4: Goosey Loosey, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey
Lurkey, and Chicken Little meeting Foxy Loxy
- Tell students this is the end of the story.
- Ask students what other bird they see.
- a turkey
- Have students say Turkey Lurkey with you.
- Ask students what other animal they see.
- a fox
- Have students say Foxy Loxy with you.
- Have students predict what will happen at the end of the story. Will the
birds and the fox become friends? Does the fox want to help them or
hurt them? - Give students Response Card 1 (Chicken Little) from Instructional
Master 1A-1. Have them point out the characters of this story—
Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Goosey Loosey, Ducky Lucky, Turkey
Lurkey, and Foxy Loxy.
Vocabular y Preview
- Today’s story, “Chicken Little,” is fiction.
- Say the word fiction with me three times.
- Fiction refers to a story that is made-up and about make-believe
characters and events. Fiction stories are not real. - Jamal and Leilani like to hear fiction about super heroes.
- Tell your partner about a fiction story you like to hear. Use the word
fiction when you tell about it. I will call on a few students to share.
Met - In today’s story, you will hear that Chicken Little met other birds on
her way to see the king. - Say the word met with me three times.
- Met means to have seen someone.
- Pablo and Wei met at the library before going to piano lessons.
- Tell your partner about a time you met somebody somewhere. Use