Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide 3B | The Three Billy Goats Gruff 61

  1. We ask questions by using question words. When someone asks a
    question using the question word where, they are asking a question
    about a place.

  2. [Show image 3A-1.] Where are the billy goats?

    • The billy goats are in a rocky area.

  3. Which word in the question lets you know I was asking about a

    • where

  4. Where do the billy goats want to go?

    • The billy goats want to go to the grassy hillside.

  5. Which word in the question lets you know that I was asking about a

    • where

  6. Work with your partner to ask and answer a question about the story
    “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” using question word where. You can
    use Response Card 3 to refer to different places.

  7. Now ask your partner a question about his/her favorite place at
    school. Use the question word where.

Vocabulary Instructional Activity

Word Work: Longed

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “The three Billy Goats Gruff longed to
    go up a hillside covered with thick, green grass.”

  2. Say the word longed with me three times.

  3. When you have longed for something or longed to do something, it
    means you have really, really wanted something.

  4. Rania longed to swim in the pool because it was so hot outside.

  5. What is something you have longed for? Use the word longed
    when you tell about it. [Ask two or three students. If necessary,
    guide and/or rephrase the students’ responses: “I have longed
    for  because... ”]

  6. What’s the word we’ve been talking about?

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