Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide 4A | The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 69

 Show image 4A-3: Wolf’s paws at the door

  • Ask students to guess what is happening in this picture.

  • Point out the wolf’s paws.

 Show image 4A-4: The wolf with the miller

  • Tell students that this is part of the middle of the story.

  • Point out to the miller. Explain that a miller is a person who grinds
    grain into flour, the white powder used to make bread, cakes,
    crackers, etc.

 Show image 4A-5: Wolf with flour on paws

  • Ask students what they think they see in the picture.

 Show image 4A-6: The mother goat finding youngest kid

  • Ask students to briefly describe the room. Point out that it is a mess.

  • Identify the youngest kid.

 Show image 4A-7: The mother goat and kid finding the wolf in the

  • Tell students that this is near the end of the story

  • Tell students that they are in the forest—a place with many tall trees.

  • Ask students what the wolf is doing.

 Show image 4A-8: Celebration

  • Ask students to talk about what they see in the picture.

  • Ask students whether the kids look happy or sad.

  • Give students Response Card 4 (The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids)
    from Instructional Master 4A-1. Have them point and count the seven
    little kids and the mother goat.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. Today’s story has a wolf that often disguises himself as someone he
    is not.

  2. Say the word disguise with me three times.

  3. To disguise yourself means to make yourself look like someone or
    something else.

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