Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

70 Stories: Supplemental Guide 4A | The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

  1. Hector sometimes disguises himself as a cat.

  2. Tell your partner who or what you would disguise yourself as if you
    had the chance to disguise yourself. Use the word disguise when you
    tell about it. I will call on a few students to share.
    Yo u n g e s t

  3. In today’s story, you will hear that the youngest kid is found by his

  4. Say the word youngest with me three times.

  5. Youngest means not as old as the rest. [Ask if anyone is the youngest
    in their family.]

  6. Sometimes being the youngest is hard because you cannot do what
    the older children do.

  7. Talk to your partner about the advantages, or good things,
    about being the youngest person in the family. Talk about the
    disadvantages, or bad things, about being the youngest. Use
    the word youngest when you tell about the advantages and
    disadvantages. I will call on a few students to share.

Purpose for Listening
Tell students the title of this folktale is “The Wolf and the Seven Little
Kids.” Tell students that this folktale is about a wolf who tries to become
friends with a family of goats. Ask them to listen carefully to find out how
the wolf and the kids become friends.
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
 Demonstrate familiarity with “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”
 Identify the sequence of events in “The Wolf and the Seven Little
 Identify “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids” as a folktale
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