98 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 5A | Autumn
Tell your partner which season you like the best and why.
[Allow one minute for students to talk. Call on three partner pairs to share what
their partner said.]
Thanks for sharing!
You r f r ie n d,
Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent lines
of the read-aloud and/or refer to specific images. If students give one-
word answers and/or fail to use read-aloud or domain vocabulary in their
responses, acknowledge correct responses by expanding the students’
responses using richer and more complex language. Encourage students
to answer in complete sentences. Model answers using complete
sentences for students.
- Literal What is the main topic, or main idea, of Annie’s letter today?
- The main idea of Annie’s letter today is autumn.
- Literal What are the autumn months?
- The autumn months are September, October, and November.
[Show September, October, and November on the calendar.]
- The autumn months are September, October, and November.
- Inferential What are some characteristics of, or things that happen
during autumn?- During autumn, the days become shorter, the temperature is cooler,
leaves of some trees change color and fall to the ground.
- During autumn, the days become shorter, the temperature is cooler,
- Inferential What are some activities people do during autumn?
- Children go back to school. Farmers harvest their crops. People go to
the country fair. People rake leaves; children like to jump into the raked
- Children go back to school. Farmers harvest their crops. People go to
- Literal What is an important holiday in autumn?
- Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday in autumn.
- Evaluative How are the summer season and the autumn season