Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 105
Student Performance Task Assessment
Riddles for Core Content
Materials: Instructional Master PP-1; Seasons Cards
Ask the following riddles to review core content taught up to this point.
Directions: I am going to say a riddle about a season. Think about what I
say and circle the season I describe. The snowflake stands for winter, the
flower stands for spring, the sun stands for summer, and the leaf stands
for autumn.
[You may wish to extend this review by creating your own riddles. Have
students hold up the corresponding Season Card to answer your riddles.]
- I am the season that has blizzards with lots of snow and wind. What
season am I?- winter
- I am the season in which people go to swimming pools to keep cool.
What season am I?- summer
- Baby farm animals are born in this season. What season am I?
- spring
- I am the season when leaves change colors and fall off some trees.
What season am I?- autumn
- Some people celebrate Thanksgiving Day with turkey, pie, and football
in this season. What season am I?- autumn
- I am the coldest season of the year. What season am I?
- winter
- I am the season after winter when flowers bloom and plants grow.
What season am I?- spring
- I am the hottest season of the year. What season am I?
- summer