Kindergarden - Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 8B | Meteorology 153

Extensions 15 minutes

 Multiple Meaning Word Activity
Sentence in Context: Record
Note: You may choose to have students hold up one, two, or three
fingers to indicate which image shows the meaning being described,
or have a student walk up to the poster and point to the image being

  1. [Show Poster 5M (Record).] In the read-aloud you heard the word
    record, as in “The weather record is kind of like a weather diary: it
    lists what the weather was like on that day in previous, or past, years.”
    Here, record means a written report of an event. Which picture shows

    • 1

  2. Record can also mean other things. Record can mean a music disc.
    Which picture shows this?

    • 3

  3. Record can mean a performance that is the best of its kind. Which
    picture shows this?

    • 2

  4. Now with your partner, make a sentence for each meaning of record.
    Try to use complete sentences. I will call on some of you to share your

Weather Report

  • Tell students that they are going to pretend to be a weatherperson on
    the news.

  • Remind students that a weatherperson on the news is often a
    meteorologist, meaning they study weather patterns and try to
    predict, or guess, what the weather is going to be like.

  • Tell students that the class has been keeping track of the weather in
    their area in their Class Weather Diary, similar to the record of weather
    kept by a meteorologist.


8 B

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